Sherry & Don MacLauchlan, Panga Trip February 10-11, 2014
Don and Sherry had a great couple days on the small boats. February March and April are Guatemala's "Summer Months" (Verano) . No more Winter cold Fronts, the Sea is at its calmest and the Blue Water moves closer to the shore line. Bringing in all Sea Monsters. Nothing is more fun than catching BIG fish in Small boats and you can get a day on the Tonina or Manta Raya for only $400. "CLICK" here for all the information on our Outboard Panga Charters,
Ballena Trip February 2, 2014
Another Great Parlama Sportfishing kind of day. Dorados for the Fantastic Fight and Fantastic Dinner later on, Sailfish for absolute Beauty and Fury and Whales for Majesty on the water. Topped off with Saving our Namesake "Parlama" (Olive Ridley Sea Turtles) from long lines.
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